Wednesday, December 24, 2008
merry xmas & happy new year
we are waiting for some feedback and reply in order for us to move forward.
mean while.... merry x'mas & happy new year to all.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
jamboree from the eyes of a leader part 2
The scout leader should BELIEVE in the ideas of the jamboree...he/she should BELIEVE that a World Scout Jamboree holds plenty of educational and experiential lessons for the scouts which is beneficial for the growth of the scout in terms of training ?
What does this mean ?
In simple words, you believe that for the amount of money the scout is going to pay, its more than worth terms of education and experience lah!
There are some things scout training can only take so much...i.e. badgework etc etc. Scouts may get bored or even not motivated enough to do the logs and finish tests...
But throw in a jamboree (any jamboree lah..but better if WSJ), and the Scout gets a breath of fresh air and gives new meaning to scouting.
The WSJ widens the scout’s horizons...rather than he/she views scouting on troop/district/state level with usual activities....
Let the scout experience INTERNATIONAL experience. Different cultures. Different activities. A WSJ is a place where a scout is free to mingle with other scouts without fear of prejudice or discrimination.
jamboree from the eyes of a leader part 1
To successfully promote the 2011WSJ, scout leaders need to take proactive action to promote to their own respective troop scout boys. No amount of publicity or promotion from the national contingent or state/district will be as good as the boys’ own scoutmaster telling them about the 2011WSJ.
What factors make it easier to get boys motivated to go 2011WSJ and work towards it ?
The Scout leader:
a. Went to a WSJ before as a boy
b. Went to a WSJ before as a leader
c. Went to a national jamboree before
d. Has positive experiences from any of the above.
What might be a problem is, not all scout leaders have the chance to do go to a WSJ when they were younger or even go to a WSJ before ! Why ?
a. Not enough publicity/promotion reach them for previous world jamboree
b. Even if enough promotion motivate them, they are not guided on how to plan and go (finances are the most important factor here)
So....the key thing is to get the scout leader motivated about the jamboree! Not necessary to go lah. The scout leader may have commitments with :
a. Work
b. Family
Saturday, November 1, 2008
again.... why go jamborees part 3
Stay motivated
Yes, the jamboree is a long time from now 3 years ?
But the main challenge is FINANCES.
Its not going to be easy to stay motivated, but if and when you do, it will come easier.
You will have parents/friends/relatives who MAY discourage you...
“14 days = RM 8000! Where got worth it..”
“Go Malaysian jamboree enough laa...”
So..the key thing is always ask yourself
(this of course is a topic for a different discussion)
When you found that answer, remind yourself everyday.
Tips: Put up posters of the 2011 WSJ (as far as we know, promotional material is just out fresh from oven).. visual reminders on your wall
Talk to people who have been to the WSJ before. Well, if they give you bad impressions...chances are..the problem might be them. 95% of scouts who have been to the WSJ described it as a life changing experience. For the better, of course.
If can, ask them to show you their WSJ photos or badges or souvenirs.
Search and read of WSJ history (this may be boring to some people)... Like here:
Be the best scout you can be. This doesn’t need further description.
Foragecap is a 2 times world jamboree participant, for more information, u can direct email to foragecap AT hotmail DOT com
(tips by FORAGECAP @2008. DIS, PL4)
again.... why go jamborees part 2
A lot of the activities in a WSJ are really challenging. Its a good idea to finish up your scout badges to the highest level (King Scout of course).
Badgework teaches you character and skill. Skills especially needed to function in a jamboree.
When a scout is going a jamboree, he/she is expected to having a good standard of skill i.e. he/she is capable of setting up a stable tent (that doesn’t collapse or leak rain), cook good delicious meals (decent isn’t good enough..thats why we have TUKANG MASAK tests), and even some basic pioneering.
And chances are, the Malaysian Contingent will set a standard i.e. Seniro Scout should complete 5 seniro badges before going to jamboree... please don’t chase badges ONLY to go jofr jamboree i.e. in 2011, you are form 5, then only you start doing JAYADIRI and so on so forth...
(tips by FORAGECAP @2008. DIS, PL4)
again.... why go jamborees part 1
Ok, let’s say you know all the details i.e. the date, the place etc etc
The question is what should you do ... NOW
Jamboree is not cheap. The Jamboree (camp) fee for last World Scout Jamboree was nearly RM 4000. Add to this your airflight (referring to last year’s WSJ flight from Malaysia-UK) is around RM 4000 also.
SO this time, its in Sweden. And no direct flight there.
Let’s put the estimate to be RM 8000 for now. (will most probably be more)
Save UP!
How to save up ? There’s some good tips by a scout leader here at this site :
Its a start. So Start now.
(tips by FORAGECAP @2008. DIS, PL4)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
world scout jamboree bulletin 1 part 7
The 22nd World Scout Jamboree will take place on the fields of Rinkaby, outside the town of Kristianstad in the very south of Sweden. The closest major town with a large international airport is Copenhagen in Denmark. Rinkaby is only one and a half hours by coach or train from Kastrup airport.
The Jamboree has three entry points:
Copenhagen airport, Kastrup, Denmark
Kristianstad railroad station
The onsite Jamboree coachstation
The Jamboree organisers will offer transport from any of the above entry points to the Jamboree site.
Jamboree site
We have a beautiful Jamboree site with natural surroundings and excellent facilities. The site has already been tested twice for camps with over 20 000 participants. Just imagine the 22nd World Scout Jamboree here…
world scout jamboree bulletin 1 part 6
Registration fees for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree are tiered in a system based on the Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of each country(the same criteria as for membership fees to WOSM). There are four levels of registration fee, as follows:
Category A | 1625 SEK * |
Category B | 3250 SEK * |
Category C | 4875 SEK * |
Category D | 6500 SEK * |
* All fees are charged in Swedish Kroner (SEK) |
National Scout Organisations can confirm their category with the Jamboree Office.
The Jamboree fee for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree applies for participants, unit leaders, members of the Contingent Management Team and International Service Team.
Information about how to pay and the payment schedules will be distributed in a later Bulletin.
Operation One World
Scouts from every country in the world should have the chance to come to the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. To help Scouts who have economic difficulties to participate in the Jamboree, a solidarity fund has been established, called Operation One World. Operation One World will ensure that all fund recipients have everything they need to fully participate in the event.
Fundraising for Operation One World has already begun, and several large target donors have been identified. National Scout Organisations are also essential to the success of the Operation. Contributions to Operation One World can be through direct financial donations or through helping participants from a specific part of the world. Contingents are encouraged to think about how they can expand any existing partnerships they have to include participation at the Jamboree.
Home Hospitality
The 22nd World Scout Jamboree will offer a Home Hospitality concept (family or Scout-house stay) in Sweden, Norway, Denmark or Finland. It will be possible for Contingents to apply for 3-4 days Home Hospitality before or after the Jamboree. A separate fee will apply to participants in the Home Hospitality programme. Details will be presented later.
Following the demand for our Simply Scouting garments at the 21st World Scout Jamboree in the UK, we have prepared our first collection of Jamboree profile products. From July 2008 it is possible to buy these items from our web shop. The collection includes t-shirts, sweaters, softshell jackets, daypacks, badges and many other items. The outdoor garments are all manufactured by Haglöfs, a quality Swedish outdoor clothing brand.
The webshop can be found at:
world scout jamboree bulletin 1 part 5
Participants at the 22nd World Scout Jamboree are young people aged between 14 and 17 years old. They must have been born between 25 July 1993 and 27 July 1997. As has been the case for previous World Scout Jamborees, the Scout unit size is 36 young people and 4 adult leaders. The unit should be organised into 4 patrols of 9 young people.
If your Contingent does not have enough patrols to form a complete unit, you will be joined with patrols from other countries to form a unit. Each patrol in a combined unit must provide one adult leader.
International Service Team
An estimated 8 000 staff are needed to run the Jamboree, and these will come from countries all around the world. Being a staff member is an exciting opportunity where you can make a contribution to the young people of the world today.
The International Service Team (IST) will be open to active Scouts aged 18 or over at the start of the Jamboree (born on or before the 24 July 1993). Members of the IST should be able to speak English and/or French and be prepared to take on any task needed to create the Jamboree. IST must arrive on site 25 July 2011 and can leave 8 August 2011.
Jamboree Planning Team
Those involved with planning and preparing for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree are included in the Jamboree Planning Team. The Jamboree Planning Team is an international team and information on how to apply will be distributed later. All members of the Jamboree Planning Team must be active Scouts and have the approval of their National Scout Organisations.
Pre-registration for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree is already possible. This is an important planning tool for the Jamboree Executive Team as it helps us to estimate the likely size of the Jamboree at an early stage. Pre-registration does not guarantee a Contingent places, nor does it commit you to a Contingent size.
Please fill in the form found in Appendix II: Pre-registration Form.
Appointment of Head of Contingent
Every National Contingent to the World Scout Jamboree must have a leader who is responsible for the Contingent. The Head of Contingent is appointed by the National Scout Organisation and is the contact person for the Jamboree Office.
It is important for us to make contact with Heads of Contingents as soon as possible. Please fill in the Appointment of Head of Contingent Form, found in Appendix I, and send it back to the Jamboree Office.
world scout jamboree bulletin 1 part 4
All Scouts participating in the 22nd World Scout Jamboree must be registered members of a National Scout Organisation that is recognised by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). If your country has several Associations, you will need to come together in one Contingent.
Members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) may take part in the 22nd World Scout Jamboree under the conditions agreed between WOSM and WAGGGS as follows:
For Scout and Guide National Organisations (those that are members of both WOSM and WAGGGS – “SAGNOs”), invitations to the World Scout Jamborees are addressed not only to WOSM registered members but also to those registered with WAGGGS.
Youth and adults of National Girl Guide/Girl Scout Organisations (members of WAGGGS only) may attend the event with the agreement of the WOSM organisation in their country. Girl Guides/Girl Scouts attending must join the Contingent from the respective National Scout Organisation.
Participation from a single National Scout Organisation must not exceed 10% of the total expected number of participants agreed by the World Scout Committee. For the 22nd World Scout Jamboree, Contingents may not exceed 4000, including youth participants, unit leaders, IST members and Contingent Management Teams (CMT)
Contingent Management Teams
Each National Contingent has the possibility of bringing a support team of adult leaders – a Contingent Management Team (CMT). Contingent Management Teams will camp and eat in the Adult Town at the 22nd World Scout Jamboree.
Each Contingent is limited in the number of adults they may bring on their Contingent Management Team, depending on the number of young people in the Contingent.
Number of youth in | Maximum number of |
the Contingent | adults permitted on |
| the CMT |
Up to 9 | 1 |
10 - 18 | 2 |
19 - 36 | 3 |
37 - 72 | 5 |
73 - 144 | 8 |
145 - 288 | 14 |
289 - 576 | 22 |
577 - 1152 | 30 |
1153 - 2304 | 40 |
Over 2304 | Please discuss with the Jamboree Office |
world scout jamboree bulletin 1 part 3
The Scouts will experience the 22nd World Scout Jamboree through five areas:
subcamp life, module activities, common areas, arena events and Camp in Camp.
Subcamps are the homes of the Scouts at the Jamboree. This is where most of the everyday camp life takes place; sleeping, cooking, cleaning etc. At the World Scout Jamboree, Scouts will have the tools to create their own home and plenty of time for subcamp life. The close environment of a subcamp makes it easier to get to know new friends from other countries and to build genuine understanding of each other. At the 22nd World Scout Jamboree all subcamps will have their own place to “hang around” with a small café, campfire circle, unscheduled activities, etc. Subcamp life makes it possible for each Scout to influence and create his or her own Jamboree experience.
Module Activities
The module activities aim to give the Scouts knowledge and tools relevant to the needs of young people in the world today. Here, National Scout Organisations, non-governmental organisations and others gather their expertise to make fun, educational and challenging activities.
The module activities will include programme focusing on sharing of cultures, the environment,
sustainable development, social engagement, global development issues, respect for oneself and for others, health, community development, peace and much more. The activities will use the patrol as an important entity and aim at being very active.
Common Areas
Everything outside the subcamps and scheduled activity areas are Common Areas; common to share for everyone at the Jamboree. Common Areas are designed to facilitate meetings and there will be, for example, cafés, unscheduled activities, exhibitions and also specific space for spiritual programme and religious practise.
Arena Events
At the 22nd World Scout Jamboree there will be three big arena events: the Opening Ceremony, a major event in the middle of the Jamboree, and the Closing Ceremony. These are events where the audience members are not merely spectators but play an important interactive part.
Camp in Camp
For a few days, 100-200 Scouts will take part in a smaller camp away from the main camp area. This “Camp in Camp” will give each and every one of the participating Scouts a chance to experience nature and small scale camping, Swedish style. This will be an opportunity for getting to know a smaller group of new friends.
world scout jamboree bulletin 1 part 2
Within the idea of Simply Scouting, there are three key concepts for the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden: meetings, nature and solidarity.
The 22nd World Scout Jamboree is organised to encourage meetings: meetings across cultures, characters, interests, religions, countries, continents and more. Everything at the Jamboree will take this into consideration; from module activities to subcamp life, from small camp fires to huge arena events. As well as the programme, the actual Jamboree site will be designed to create meeting places and the Jamboree schedule will include plenty of time for spontaneous meetings.
A World Scout Jamboree in Sweden means being close to nature. Outdoor life is very accessible in Sweden and it is an important part of Swedish culture. For Swedish Scouting, the challenge of living outdoors with nature is also a tool in the Scout method. Closeness to nature also reveals the vulnerability of our environment. Wherever possible across the Jamboree, we will demonstrate sustainable environmental practice. The programme will especially focus on giving young people tools to take action for the environment.
Solidarity means being a part of the global Scout Movement. At the Jamboree, we all share values and common goals: the development of young people for life.
Solidarity means recognising connections between peoples and how dependent we are on each other. The Jamboree will emphasise the common responsibility we have to our world and to each other.
Solidarity encompasses how we treat other people, and includes respect, equal rights and peace. At the World Scout Jamboree, all are equal, independent of any personal characteristics or background. These issues will also be explored in many of the Jamboree activities.
world scout jamboree bulletin 1 part 1
The 22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011 is Simply Scouting. Scouting in all its variety, from all across the world. Nothing more, nothing less.
The World Scout Jamboree mirrors the Scout world. All the diversity and knowledge from different Scout cultures around the world is gathered in one place. The event is inspiring and contributes to the development of the Scout movement.
Scouting delivers the answers to the needs of young people and this Jamboree is simply scouting. The 22nd World Scout Jamboree offers a modern programme that lives up to the challenges young people meet in today’s society. Scouts will leave with new tools to take action in their local and wider community.
The Scout method is a fundamental element of Simply Scouting. The Scout method and our common Scout values are the building stones for everything we do. We work in small groups, we trust young people to create their own experiences and learn from those experiences and we provide value-based leadership that is attentive and supportive.
All parts of the Jamboree experience are Simply Scouting and all are equally important. The 22nd World Scout Jamboree is a camp where spontaneous meetings are as valuable as the scheduled activities. Everyday elements of camp life - building, cooking and singing at a camp fire - all challenge Scouts to develop new skills and to meet, connect and work towards international understanding.
What is a bulletin?
The purpose of the World Scout Jamboree Bulletins is to provide National Scout Organisations with all the information they need, at the right time, to help prepare for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. We have planned Bulletins once or twice a year throughout the lead-up to the Jamboree.
The Bulletins will be sent out through ScoutPak and our expectation is that you will then distribute the information to your members. Where Heads of Contingents have been appointed, we will also send the Bulletins directly to them.
In addition to the Bulletins there are several other ways to find information, the website being the main one.
When the participants leave the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden they will be able to say:
- I’ve had the best two weeks of my l ife!
- I’m proud to be me and to be a Scout
- I ’ve learnt so much about people and
- cultures from all over the world
- I want to make a difference in the world
- today and I feel ready to take action
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

/ \" X M$ z, m如何筹备经费参加2011年于瑞典的第22届世界童军大露营& I& O; g) Y8 E) G. q
% x- ], J" s' m当我们还未详细谈论怎样储蓄,筹备2011年的世界大露营经费前,我们应该来查询一下以往世界大露营的经费和开销。
# C# ^/ ]& r$ K1 ^/ {: |0 }/ z , s9 Y4 G6 ?. a( n. K
5 Y* n: M% \& E* S营费:441美金(大约是马币1700)- 包刮膳食,营费等0 m W$ W: c9 s8 o0 `
机票:大约RM1200(当时的估计)3 d8 a% Z2 L! F4 b
6 _* D+ {5 U+ U* G1 j最低消费:RM3200
v! d& f* m8 p# f) L( _) X" m7 f 9 q8 C5 j g* P. c
2007年于英国的世界童军大露营1 |3 _. f! M1 @* }# h0 U1 \5 g
营费:378英镑(大约是马币2646)- 包刮膳食,营费等" H3 a9 ?7 w, c0 @4 ~; Z+ }1 Q: \
机票:大约RM3500(目前的价格)% c5 v1 s F9 h1 C: t
7 o% l* w- T. x& n& n0 @/ x最低消费:RM6496, X y w% |9 d0 R( [8 o
) r6 q5 t9 Q8 \: v1 ^; _
7 v( e. J4 W# @1 J% _) x
1 f- V% L: e# \8 S9 }1 n$ p) C7 q
* T9 i) P, R3 k7 q" h9 u% T& S
3 g3 W) D, D7 F o' K' c3 c9 G, A z6 }- {0 i6 l) f9 Z3 [
1. 和您的父母/长辈/教练商量有关您储蓄的计划。我觉得这是非常重要的一个步骤。告知他们您想要参加的理由和您要如何来储蓄及筹备经费。然后编写一个大概的储蓄计划(如以下的例子)。每隔两个星期或每个月都由他们来帮助您检讨您的储蓄状况和进度。$ ]4 H7 F" O) s" r0 S& q7 N7 Z
/ l/ j: v! S' a0 Y
/ ^8 W" R7 O J/ d2 v, s9 @& {: [/ {: C h
2. 开设银行户口(如果您还没有户口的话)。确保您的银行户口靠近您的家。' i0 D+ ^: `. h! E5 a) Y
# |$ F; z0 {( N) o. Q
3. 为 自己准备一个扑满来储存多余的零钱。当您外出回来的时候,一定有剩余的零钱。很多时候,这些零钱都随便乱丢,遗留在沙发上,地上,或许也可能遗留在裤袋 里,在洗衣机清洗的时候,散得到处都是。养成习惯,把所有剩余的零钱收集在扑满内。一定要确保这个储蓄扑满不是那么容易打开的。要不然的话,可能下一分钟 就可能轻易的给您花掉了。
! s( ~2 E) h) ^9 {7 e* @

! q- L& A. j, J! ^: U8 b3 i 1 _. \5 \! Z3 ~3 O
4. 设定一个每天/每个星期该储蓄数额的目标。是的。你认为距离大露营还有很长的一段时间。但是要知道的是开销也不便宜哦!举例说,如果设下目标为储蓄父母每个星期/月给的零用钱总数内的25%来达成目标。或者是任何您认为实际的数额(巴仙率)。
- X0 G, o& a# z$ k6 l1 E

Z3 R v# T. g5 u/ g- [* C, O2 A! @# C2 X; g) G
2 F4 t+ p' Y- O最重要的是一定要持之以恒(需有恒心)。您将会面对最大的问题在于推动力. 我们稍后再谈.
$ T' }$ \- F- ^' d; Q& h# j J D
8 O3 D9 H X$ I/ ?5. 设法减少您的日常开销,特别是出外用餐,食堂等。或许可以安排一个星期内两天带便当去学校吃?可能的话,每天!当然,食堂内的美食非常吸引人。哈哈!但是如果已经在家里准备了便当/食物,您就可以省下这些开销了。
) w: s! D# X, O/ _
% c- |# c( `( C- V6. 趁假期的时候打一分临时工。储蓄是一个缓慢的过程。您并不能够在短期内马上就看到回筹。打临时工,将会训练,教导您金钱的价值。钱不容易赚。或许能够训练您更加节省!
' v; v( A$ n* a, L
. w* t; f' r9 f7. 血拼(购物)-当然我们都需要衣服,玩具,书本,游戏机等。但是停下来想想,是否能够找到更便宜,合理的价钱呢?养成这样的习惯吧!只在大促销的时候购买。如果不能够压制您购买的欲望,尝试减少和朋友到超级市场的次数。只和家人一齐外出,购买您需要的用品。
T" A, F" r( n : s( m4 g1 ?8 T- w9 @
8. 如果每个星期都看戏,很贵的哦!尝试需要的时候,只和家人去。或者是减少到一个月一次?
5 r' I" W+ i8 Y( I; L, e & L& v _3 J& L& |( B" o! ]
9. 游说和讥笑。朋友在生活中的影响力最大。他们的服饰,购买些什么东西,做了些什么,可能就会影响到您。您最好的朋友可能买了一对新的Nike球鞋,或是新的 XBOX 360电动游戏,您的同学刚刚给大家看了她刚刚又买的Nokia N系列手提电话。。。
5 U( Q: s/ u) [
8 s1 _' k4 ?9 e; E0 }- v+ N没错。非常诱人。但是您可以和怀着同样信念的朋友述说(要参加大露营的朋友),看看他们是如何面对这些诱惑。; k4 n5 s, \% ^4 Q) L0 `
. r% Y4 M, d/ i2 W4 u8 B: v或者向您的父母长辈询问。
" A/ Z; ^# l& j1 L& g9 B7 R! Z) g 2 h) S8 C! i( `4 M! `, Q; B
10. 手提电话。偿还账单。不要发送无谓的简讯。如果真的需要的话,就是用公共电话,或者使用家里的电话。不要花好几个小时讲电话(如果您可以在学校或补习班内见到对方的话)。5 K5 _6 Q8 P n- `% v5 ]1 y0 \
! Y) B' @* O8 g/ F如果你有男/女朋友的话,就向他/她解释您的用意。如果他/她也是童军的话,他/她会谅解的。通常他/她都会明白您储蓄的用意是为了参加大露营,或者加入您的行列,和您一齐储蓄。如果还是不明白的话,还甩掉他/她算了。(哈哈!不是我说的。部落格内直接翻译的!)( F! W8 `( o$ j# T

如果有需要通话的话,尝试使用SKYPE 或MSN. 肯定比较便宜。
7 ]7 n" }! g" {2 |6 U; \+ a* c
+ H4 C& f9 ?9 _7 k稍后还会有更多相关贴士。
/ X+ k1 F. ] X9 B& t4 y ; y5 X- c2 [4 b) @9 e
原文:由代表团团员Jonathan Cheah编写 & translated by Daniel Siong.9 ]1 ?* W& T7 p8 r* k, `
, C4 O& ]3 w6 Y& t* z5 [9 U原文取自:
5 i+ c7 C- F0 c$ B- Y- b# Z
written by jonathan cheah & translated by daniel siong
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
21st world scout jamboree photos.....part six
malaysia open day where the scouts prepared the food at their camp area. it is open to the scouts to have a taste of malaysia food.
this is a photo of contingent staff (jonathan cheah) with the polish scouts from poland. poland will be one of our target destination of our tour in the coming wsj in 2011
Monday, September 8, 2008
21st world scout jamboree photos ..... part two
tracy took a picture with who ??? guess ?
his name is michael baden powell, the grandson of lord baden powell. michael is living in australia now. i 1st met michael baden powell in 1987 16th world jamboree in cataract scout park when i am just a senior scout.
when micheal came in to our hq and left the tent, i told them, do you know who you missed just now? many of them said don't know. only then they chase after michael and grab him back and take a picture. hehehe..... cheers
this cool gentlement who took a picture with me is from nz(sorry that i cannot recall his name) but i know why he is there for the jamboree.
he is there to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1957 world jamboree held in uk.
he also has a mission, in 1957, when he camp in the jamboree, he took home with the metal plate number "138" and now after 50 years, he intend to serrender back to uk. this metal plate is the camp area number for the nz contingent.
please view the metal plate....
21st world scout jamboree photos.....part one
this is one of the malaysia contingent troop at the opening ceremony
troop leader kp chung (tawau sabah) with contingent staff (eric chee) on the sunrise ceremony
list of scouts & leaders interested joining us....
we are just gathering of names at this stage and is foc:
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