Sunday, November 2, 2008

jamboree from the eyes of a leader part 1

To successfully promote the 2011WSJ, scout leaders need to take proactive action to promote to their own respective troop scout boys. No amount of publicity or promotion from the national contingent or state/district will be as good as the boys’ own scoutmaster telling them about the 2011WSJ.

What factors make it easier to get boys motivated to go 2011WSJ and work towards it ?

The Scout leader:

a. Went to a WSJ before as a boy

b. Went to a WSJ before as a leader

c. Went to a national jamboree before

d. Has positive experiences from any of the above.

What might be a problem is, not all scout leaders have the chance to do go to a WSJ when they were younger or even go to a WSJ before ! Why ?

a. Not enough publicity/promotion reach them for previous world jamboree

b. Even if enough promotion motivate them, they are not guided on how to plan and go (finances are the most important factor here)

So....the key thing is to get the scout leader motivated about the jamboree! Not necessary to go lah. The scout leader may have commitments with :

a. Work

b. Family

(tips by FORAGECAP @ hotmail DOT com @2008. DIS. PL4)

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