Sunday, November 2, 2008
jamboree from the eyes of a leader part 2
The scout leader should BELIEVE in the ideas of the jamboree...he/she should BELIEVE that a World Scout Jamboree holds plenty of educational and experiential lessons for the scouts which is beneficial for the growth of the scout in terms of training ?
What does this mean ?
In simple words, you believe that for the amount of money the scout is going to pay, its more than worth terms of education and experience lah!
There are some things scout training can only take so much...i.e. badgework etc etc. Scouts may get bored or even not motivated enough to do the logs and finish tests...
But throw in a jamboree (any jamboree lah..but better if WSJ), and the Scout gets a breath of fresh air and gives new meaning to scouting.
The WSJ widens the scout’s horizons...rather than he/she views scouting on troop/district/state level with usual activities....
Let the scout experience INTERNATIONAL experience. Different cultures. Different activities. A WSJ is a place where a scout is free to mingle with other scouts without fear of prejudice or discrimination.
jamboree from the eyes of a leader part 1
To successfully promote the 2011WSJ, scout leaders need to take proactive action to promote to their own respective troop scout boys. No amount of publicity or promotion from the national contingent or state/district will be as good as the boys’ own scoutmaster telling them about the 2011WSJ.
What factors make it easier to get boys motivated to go 2011WSJ and work towards it ?
The Scout leader:
a. Went to a WSJ before as a boy
b. Went to a WSJ before as a leader
c. Went to a national jamboree before
d. Has positive experiences from any of the above.
What might be a problem is, not all scout leaders have the chance to do go to a WSJ when they were younger or even go to a WSJ before ! Why ?
a. Not enough publicity/promotion reach them for previous world jamboree
b. Even if enough promotion motivate them, they are not guided on how to plan and go (finances are the most important factor here)
So....the key thing is to get the scout leader motivated about the jamboree! Not necessary to go lah. The scout leader may have commitments with :
a. Work
b. Family
Saturday, November 1, 2008
again.... why go jamborees part 3
Stay motivated
Yes, the jamboree is a long time from now 3 years ?
But the main challenge is FINANCES.
Its not going to be easy to stay motivated, but if and when you do, it will come easier.
You will have parents/friends/relatives who MAY discourage you...
“14 days = RM 8000! Where got worth it..”
“Go Malaysian jamboree enough laa...”
So..the key thing is always ask yourself
(this of course is a topic for a different discussion)
When you found that answer, remind yourself everyday.
Tips: Put up posters of the 2011 WSJ (as far as we know, promotional material is just out fresh from oven).. visual reminders on your wall
Talk to people who have been to the WSJ before. Well, if they give you bad impressions...chances are..the problem might be them. 95% of scouts who have been to the WSJ described it as a life changing experience. For the better, of course.
If can, ask them to show you their WSJ photos or badges or souvenirs.
Search and read of WSJ history (this may be boring to some people)... Like here:
Be the best scout you can be. This doesn’t need further description.
Foragecap is a 2 times world jamboree participant, for more information, u can direct email to foragecap AT hotmail DOT com
(tips by FORAGECAP @2008. DIS, PL4)
again.... why go jamborees part 2
A lot of the activities in a WSJ are really challenging. Its a good idea to finish up your scout badges to the highest level (King Scout of course).
Badgework teaches you character and skill. Skills especially needed to function in a jamboree.
When a scout is going a jamboree, he/she is expected to having a good standard of skill i.e. he/she is capable of setting up a stable tent (that doesn’t collapse or leak rain), cook good delicious meals (decent isn’t good enough..thats why we have TUKANG MASAK tests), and even some basic pioneering.
And chances are, the Malaysian Contingent will set a standard i.e. Seniro Scout should complete 5 seniro badges before going to jamboree... please don’t chase badges ONLY to go jofr jamboree i.e. in 2011, you are form 5, then only you start doing JAYADIRI and so on so forth...
(tips by FORAGECAP @2008. DIS, PL4)
again.... why go jamborees part 1
Ok, let’s say you know all the details i.e. the date, the place etc etc
The question is what should you do ... NOW
Jamboree is not cheap. The Jamboree (camp) fee for last World Scout Jamboree was nearly RM 4000. Add to this your airflight (referring to last year’s WSJ flight from Malaysia-UK) is around RM 4000 also.
SO this time, its in Sweden. And no direct flight there.
Let’s put the estimate to be RM 8000 for now. (will most probably be more)
Save UP!
How to save up ? There’s some good tips by a scout leader here at this site :
Its a start. So Start now.
(tips by FORAGECAP @2008. DIS, PL4)