Wednesday, September 24, 2008



/ \" X M$ z, m如何筹备经费参加2011年于瑞典的第22届世界童军大露营& I& O; g) Y8 E) G. q

% x- ], J" s' m当我们还未详细谈论怎样储蓄,筹备2011年的世界大露营经费前,我们应该来查询一下以往世界大露营的经费和开销。
# C# ^/ ]& r$ K1 ^/ {: |0 }/ z , s9 Y4 G6 ?. a( n. K
5 Y* n: M% \& E* S营费:441美金(大约是马币1700- 包刮膳食,营费等0 m W$ W: c9 s8 o0 `
机票:大约RM1200(当时的估计)3 d8 a% Z2 L! F4 b
6 _* D+ {5 U+ U* G1 j最低消费:RM3200
v! d& f* m8 p# f) L( _) X" m7 f 9 q8 C5 j g* P. c
2007年于英国的世界童军大露营1 |3 _. f! M1 @* }# h0 U1 \5 g
营费:378英镑(大约是马币2646- 包刮膳食,营费等" H3 a9 ?7 w, c0 @4 ~; Z+ }1 Q: \
机票:大约RM3500(目前的价格)% c5 v1 s F9 h1 C: t
7 o% l* w- T. x& n& n0 @/ x最低消费:RM6496, X y w% |9 d0 R( [8 o
) r6 q5 t9 Q8 \: v1 ^; _
7 v( e. J4 W# @1 J% _) x
1 f- V% L: e# \8 S
9 }1 n$ p) C7 q
* T9 i) P, R3 k7 q" h9 u% T& S
3 g3 W) D, D7 F o' K' c3 c9 G, A z6 }- {0 i6 l) f9 Z3 [
和您的父母/长辈/教练商量有关您储蓄的计划。我觉得这是非常重要的一个步骤。告知他们您想要参加的理由和您要如何来储蓄及筹备经费。然后编写一个大概的储蓄计划(如以下的例子)。每隔两个星期或每个月都由他们来帮助您检讨您的储蓄状况和进度。$ ]4 H7 F" O) s" r0 S& q7 N7 Z
/ l/ j: v! S' a0 Y
/ ^8 W" R7 O J/ d2 v, s9 @& {: [/ {: C h
开设银行户口(如果您还没有户口的话)。确保您的银行户口靠近您的家。' i0 D+ ^: `. h! E5 a) Y
# |$ F; z0 {( N) o. Q
3. 为 自己准备一个扑满来储存多余的零钱。当您外出回来的时候,一定有剩余的零钱。很多时候,这些零钱都随便乱丢,遗留在沙发上,地上,或许也可能遗留在裤袋 里,在洗衣机清洗的时候,散得到处都是。养成习惯,把所有剩余的零钱收集在扑满内。一定要确保这个储蓄扑满不是那么容易打开的。要不然的话,可能下一分钟 就可能轻易的给您花掉了。
! s( ~2 E) h) ^9 {7 e* @
! q- L& A. j, J! ^: U8 b3 i 1 _. \5 \! Z3 ~3 O
4. 设定一个每天/每个星期该储蓄数额的目标。是的。你认为距离大露营还有很长的一段时间。但是要知道的是开销也不便宜哦!举例说,如果设下目标为储蓄父母每个星期/月给的零用钱总数内的25%来达成目标。或者是任何您认为实际的数额(巴仙率)。
- X0 G, o& a# z$ k6 l1 E
Z3 R v# T. g5 u/ g- [* C, O2 A! @# C2 X; g) G

2 F4 t+ p' Y- O最重要的是一定要持之以恒(需有恒心)。您将会面对最大的问题在于推动力. 我们稍后再谈.
$ T' }$ \- F- ^' d; Q& h# j J D
8 O3 D9 H X$ I/ ?5. 设法减少您的日常开销,特别是出外用餐,食堂等。或许可以安排一个星期内两天带便当去学校吃?可能的话,每天!当然,食堂内的美食非常吸引人。哈哈!但是如果已经在家里准备了便当/食物,您就可以省下这些开销了。
) w: s! D# X, O/ _
% c- |# c( `( C- V6. 趁假期的时候打一分临时工。储蓄是一个缓慢的过程。您并不能够在短期内马上就看到回筹。打临时工,将会训练,教导您金钱的价值。钱不容易赚。或许能够训练您更加节省!
' v; v( A$ n* a, L
. w* t; f' r9 f7. 血拼(购物)-当然我们都需要衣服,玩具,书本,游戏机等。但是停下来想想,是否能够找到更便宜,合理的价钱呢?养成这样的习惯吧!只在大促销的时候购买。如果不能够压制您购买的欲望,尝试减少和朋友到超级市场的次数。只和家人一齐外出,购买您需要的用品。
T" A, F" r( n : s( m4 g1 ?8 T- w9 @
8. 如果每个星期都看戏,很贵的哦!尝试需要的时候,只和家人去。或者是减少到一个月一次?
5 r' I" W+ i8 Y( I; L, e & L& v _3 J& L& |( B" o! ]
9. 游说和讥笑。朋友在生活中的影响力最大。他们的服饰,购买些什么东西,做了些什么,可能就会影响到您。您最好的朋友可能买了一对新的Nike球鞋,或是新的 XBOX 360电动游戏,您的同学刚刚给大家看了她刚刚又买的Nokia N系列手提电话。。。
5 U( Q: s/ u) [
8 s1 _' k4 ?9 e; E0 }- v+ N没错。非常诱人。但是您可以和怀着同样信念的朋友述说(要参加大露营的朋友),看看他们是如何面对这些诱惑。; k4 n5 s, \% ^4 Q) L0 `

. r% Y4 M, d/ i2 W4 u8 B: v或者向您的父母长辈询问。
" A/ Z; ^# l& j1 L& g9 B7 R! Z) g 2 h) S8 C! i( `4 M! `, Q; B
10. 手提电话。偿还账单。不要发送无谓的简讯。如果真的需要的话,就是用公共电话,或者使用家里的电话。不要花好几个小时讲电话(如果您可以在学校或补习班内见到对方的话)。5 K5 _6 Q8 P n- `% v5 ]1 y0 \

! Y) B' @* O8 g/ F如果你有男/女朋友的话,就向他/她解释您的用意。如果他/她也是童军的话,他/她会谅解的。通常他/她都会明白您储蓄的用意是为了参加大露营,或者加入您的行列,和您一齐储蓄。如果还是不明白的话,还甩掉他/她算了。(哈哈!不是我说的。部落格内直接翻译的!)( F! W8 `( o$ j# T
& [8 Z; _2 q8 Q& A
如果有需要通话的话,尝试使用SKYPE MSN. 肯定比较便宜。
7 ]7 n" }! g" {2 |6 U; \+ a* c
+ H4 C& f9 ?9 _7 k稍后还会有更多相关贴士。
/ X+ k1 F. ] X9 B& t4 y ; y5 X- c2 [4 b) @9 e
原文:由代表团团员Jonathan Cheah编写 & translated by Daniel Siong.9 ]1 ?* W& T7 p8 r* k, `
, C4 O& ]3 w6 Y& t* z5 [9 U原文取自:
5 i+ c7 C- F0 c$ B- Y- b# Z

written by jonathan cheah & translated by daniel siong

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

21st world scout jamboree photos.....part six

malaysia open day where the scouts prepared the food at their camp area. it is open to the scouts to have a taste of malaysia food.

this is a photo of contingent staff (jonathan cheah) with the polish scouts from poland. poland will be one of our target destination of our tour in the coming wsj in 2011

21st world scout jamboree photos.....part five

this is jamboree activities at the gilwell park. this program is called the gilwell adventure.

21st world scout jamboree photos.....part four

here is photos of sub-camp life.

21st world scout jamboree photos.....part three

all this are opening ceremony picture for 21st world scout jamboree in uk 2007.

Monday, September 8, 2008

21st world scout jamboree photos ..... part two

tracy took a picture with who ??? guess ?

his name is michael baden powell, the grandson of lord baden powell. michael is living in australia now. i 1st met michael baden powell in 1987 16th world jamboree in cataract scout park when i am just a senior scout.

when micheal came in to our hq and left the tent, i told them, do you know who you missed just now? many of them said don't know. only then they chase after michael and grab him back and take a picture. hehehe..... cheers

this cool gentlement who took a picture with me is from nz(sorry that i cannot recall his name) but i know why he is there for the jamboree.

he is there to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1957 world jamboree held in uk.

he also has a mission, in 1957, when he camp in the jamboree, he took home with the metal plate number "138" and now after 50 years, he intend to serrender back to uk. this metal plate is the camp area number for the nz contingent.

please view the metal plate....

21st world scout jamboree photos.....part one

here is the photos we would like to share with you. it is from the 21st world scout jamboree uk.

this is one of the malaysia contingent troop at the opening ceremony

asst troop leader james on having the scarf with signature on sunrise day.

troop leader kp chung (tawau sabah) with contingent staff (eric chee) on the sunrise ceremony

list of scouts & leaders interested joining us....

here is the list of scouts and leaders interested in joining our program, please email me your name at if you show any interest(even thou is just a thought/a little interest).

we are just gathering of names at this stage and is foc:

tong kar yew

jonathan cheah

james ong

wong may suan

kp chung

jeff chu

eric chee

caroline chin

daniel liau

sim kwee kiat

cindy cheong

unofficial 1st meeting..... at mid valley on 8/9/2008

we have an unofficial meeting for the leaders who initiated this participation of next world scout jamboree @ mid valley on 8th sept 2008.

we discuss briefly(very very brief) what is our direction,objectives & aim for the coming jamboree.

we now in the mid of drafting the objectives and guidelines for the next world scout jamboree (for internal use).

again we want to make it clear that, we are solely leaders who want to promote & make awareness to scouts and leaders about jamborees. and at the same time gather those who interested in next world jamboree to joined us in our planning, tour, jamboree & home hospitality.

we will await the scouts association of malaysia direction. till then.... see you in sweden

Sunday, September 7, 2008

20th world scout jamboree photos...part six

this will be the last 3 photos we would like to share with you. in the next coming posting, we will post the 21st wsj uk photos for your viewing pleasure.

during the world jamboree, many countries will host their country reception, they will show their country culture, costume, food & bla bla bla.

invitation mainly invites the contingent leader or the contingent staff.

at the 20th wsj, the contingent leaders pass most of the invitation to the troops and ist's. this will enable the scouts and leaders further expose to the international scouting experience.

picture @ upper top show inez from 61st petaling are trying the hammering (making japanese rice wine)

picture @ right shows contingent staff tracy & scout norma at on of the reception

piture on left bottom shows taiwan girl scouts are dancing @ their reception day.

20th world scout jamboree photos...part five

the world scout jamboree of thailand held in the month of december overlap the new year.

this is on the eve of the new year where all scouts celebrate at the main arena

this is faruq of 18th tawau scout group.

he is the participant at the 20th world scout jamboree.

he joined the 21st wsj in uk as asst troop leader.

this is one of the pioneering project built at the jamboree site

leaders and ist's who have no time to wash your cloths, u can engaged with the laundry service.

for sure is not free. for scouts, u are don't have such previledge

Saturday, September 6, 2008

20th world scout jamboree photos...part four

king of sweden at the jamboree for sweden reception.

king of sweden spent a nite in the tent with the swedish scouts.

this is a troop camp area.

a troop in jamboree consists of 36 scouts & 4 leaders.

this picture taken on the arrival. the scouts are waiting for the leaders to check in with jamboree office & get the identification tags.

infont from left is james ong of 17th petaling, serena of 73rd petaling.

20th world scout jamboree photos...part three

another slot of photos from 20th world scout jamboree thailand.

scout activities in 20th world scout jamboree reuqired leader to follow along. this is nature explore

malaysia scout open day.

the troop are ready to check into their respective sub camp. infront is Jonathan Cheah

20th world scout jamboree photos...part two

photos continue from the 20th world scout jamboree thailand

inside the jamboree area, the mode of transport is bus 11(legs), the bicycles above is ready to be rent by the contingent staffs and ist's. scouts are not allowed to rent any bicycle.

this is one of the activity for the jamboree, mountain biking.

this is one of the view from the birdeye view spot. this birdeye view can view the almost the entire camp area and the beach area. for you information, the camp is facing the sea.

these are scouts and leader from the hungrarian contingent.

20th world scout jamboree photos...part one

i found some 20th world scout jamboree photos which you might be interested to take a look at it.we attend the thai reception
scouts having water activity, sailing.
subcamp open ceremony (notice the malaysia flag)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

16th world jamboree australia 1987

found this photo of the 17th petaling scout group scouts and leaders having their home hospitality program near sdyney in 1987 before checking into cataract scout park in nsw for the 16th world jamboree.

they are separated in 2 to 3 scouts per family for 3 days 2 nights. during the home stay, the scouts will learned the local culture of australian family and also individual family will organised some activities for the scouts.

back(L 2 R): lim see hin, jeff chu, kevin lau, loy teck chye, agnes kok, tong kar yew
front (L 2 R): lee hui chin, quek tuck loong, cynthia low, erik lee, susan kee
not in picture: hooi wern yin, andrew yeap, eric chee, kevin wong